Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Enough is Enough

Enough is enough. No more.

Ya know....I’ve had an American flag pin on my denim jacket for years and an American flag sticker on my office door. I’ve probably irritated more than a few people by having my American flag hanging on my porch twenty-four hours a day. It was my belief that men and women of our military service die overseas, more often than not, while I sleep safely in my bed. I vote. I have opinions of agreement and dissent. I’ve been an “American,” a nationalist, a loyalist...which DOES include dissent.

But the more I watch, the more I listen, the more I think....I’ve just had enough.

I realize that my love for this country is for the land, the wildlife, the history, the stories and legends, the music and traditions, and, for the most part, the people. I do not love this sick, practical joke that we still refer to as our “government.” I realize that my national anthem of preference is “America the Beautiful,” not the Star Spangled Banner, a song written in war and with lyrics that most people largely recite without actually understanding. The Pledge of Allegiance? “Liberty and justice for all?” Are you kidding me? Congressmen and women serve a term and are set for life...yes, including their healthcare.

I support the men and women in uniform, not the military-industrial complex that sucks money from our pockets, starts unnecessary wars, and mistreats or worse...ignores...its soldiers, sailors, and veterans. I support the unemployed (those who want and need to work), not Wall Street, corporations, and executives who spend their profits on tall buildings and huge undeserved bonuses. I support our well-meaning, creative president who could make a real difference were it not for the constipated, constipaTING idiots whose only purpose is to defeat progress in order to be reelected...and his lovely wife and family. I do NOT support the rest of the “government” with their pompous, self-righteous attitudes, their expensive tans and hairdos, and their sneaky, slimy, smarmy faces....both of them. I cannot even LOOK at Snake Boehner. I cannot believe an elected official would recite Dr. Seuss while the government faces a costly and dangerous shutdown. I don’t give a shit about special interests....and special interests run our country. People want safety and rational thinking...but the NRA has more money so the NRA wins. It’s all just nuts.

I know there are people across this land who will suffer far more than I should this freak show continue. In the mean time, we all worry, fret, toss and turn, and somehow manage to contain our rage. But, I can tell you this...should this nation go into some kind of default...should the rich, selfish, cowardly blood-suckers on Wall Street run like fools..should the market take a huge hit and my precious retirement savings drop precipitously as it has before and further delay even the slightest hope for retirement, I will wish the worst...all the harm and suffering and pain and misery...on these racist parasites we call our congress.

Others might disagree. I don’t know and I don’t care. Enough is enough. My flag has come down. I’ll find something else to hang on my porch. Maybe a Red Sox flag. Who knows. Hell...I might even stop drinking tea. I like tea. It’s just become a toxic word in my little brain.