Saturday, July 23, 2011

Random Thoughts...

As we sweat through the hottest temperatures for Maine in many years, I am reminded of life in D.C. and Northern Virginia....where heat and humidity were constant and made worse by pollution and the point where one struggled to breathe....yes, we might reach 90 again today but...the sky is a beautiful blue with white puffy clouds and cool, dry air arrives tomorrow after only two days of discomfort....I'll take the blizzards with Maine summers like this...

Can't believe I spent much of my life not knowing about pesto....or avocados for that mom was a great cook...home cooked meals every freakin' day, bless her heart...but just the meat and potatoes variety. Makin' up for lost time now...

I've never been a television snob, you know? But man...has TV ever been this bad? There are a few excellent shows (The Closer, The Good Wife, Men Of A Certain Age, House) but do I really want to see David Hasselhoff and someone with the same name switch lives? Do I care about "real bitches of any county?" Do I care if really obese people get thinner and become celebrites on the Today Show? Thank God for baseball...that's all I can say...

And movies....all comic books....all CGI....all mediocre actors (are you listening, Jennifer Aniston?) in the same, hackneyed schmaltz....

At my office the other day, a mother was tickling her seven year-old into hysterics...Rusty jumped out of his nap, approached the mother and barked at her...protecting the kid! I'm almost sure he had children in his first home as he's always fascinated with babies crying, strollers, carriers, etc. Gotta love that boy...

If I drank all the Smirnoff raspberry coolers and Mike's Hard Limeade I wanted, I'd be headed to rehab...

Are Lester Holt and Brian Williams not just the best? Had Katie C. on a long leash for years...she's a UVA Alum ya know...but the evening news?

Speaking of news, it's very hard to watch these our government ruins the country, as child murderers are set free, as celebrity news is considered news at all, as people starve around the world because of corrupt leaders, as the shuttle program ends, as stories about corporate and political greed are followed by those about unemployment and foreclosures...

I would so love to go to my office without socks...hate socks in the summer....and while wearing shorts....but it's just not it?

How do spiders connect a long thread of web from one bush or tree to another? Doesn't it get tangled along the way? I can't even manipulate plastic wrap without it becoming a ball of transparent frustration...

It's so disappointing when "friends" seem to drop out of sight when you stop doing favors for them, huh?

The show Frazier was just one of the best written, choreographed, and acted comedies of all time...I can watch repeats over and over and still laugh out loud...

Kinda sad to see Borders was unwelcome to our community when it opened, but I was glad it was one point I read that Maine had the most independent book stores per capita...but the really sad part is that book stores will probably all become extinct before long...

There is sometimes a very thin line between loving time to oneself and loneliness...the company of dogs makes the difference....

Now let me get this straight....I might lose my deductions for home mortgage and health care...I might lose my medicare that rich assholes and their political body guards can avoid taxes altogether? Hmm...

Let's hear it for the tea party tea bags! They get alllllll this attention for being pretty and radical but they CAN'T WIN!! Cool! Meanwhile, real threats like pretty boy Mitt Romulan are ignored. Way cool!

The really scary part for me it that, right now, I trust no politicians of any party...none. It's all about getting elected and re-elected...which requires money...which requires favors...and guess who has the money?

The real proof that humans are evolving into, as Lewis Black said, "meat with eyes"? The Casey Anthony jury....

If you don't know of Amos Lee, investigate his music....great songs, great voice, great arrangements...just good, quality music. You won't be disappointed....

Time for lunch...

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