Sunday, August 19, 2012


Never before....not until the advent of Facebook....have people paid such attention to the numbers of friends they had. It amazes me sometimes to see that some of my Facebook friends number in the hundreds. HUNDREDS! Imagine the surprise birthday party! And the cardiac arrest from hearing "SURPRISE" from 586 people! And the cost of cake! And onion dip!

Well, these couldn't be all truly friends, right? Bragging rights maybe? I recently had ninety eight friends. Now I have ninety five. Yep...I decided to "unfriend" Crazy, isn't it?
But I didn't do this dastardly deed without long consideration...and even marginal regret. Instead, I figured out that my Facebook friends fall into several categories...all having value to me in one way or another. And my choice to "unfriend" someone would be the result of that person not being true to his/her category. It really doesn't take much....

Friends who have been friends for years and with whom I would have contact regardless of Facebook.

Friends who I knew long whose life experiences, photos, etc. I have genuine interest, regardless of how often we actually communicate.

Friends who began as colleagues and became friends...a number of late night drinks at the hotel bar will do that sometimes. I am grateful for having them as friends.

Friends who are colleagues as well...with whom I developed really nice connections with, did favors for, and enjoyed relaxing times...and expected our connections to continue after the favors and relaxing times couldn't be continued. Just gave up two of these.

Friends who are colleagues whom I barely know...but share a common interest and professional network.

Friends who also have dogs!....what else do I need to say?

Friends who I actually met in dating online...and made a connection other than that originally intended. Good people....makes me so happy that a couple have found true happiness.
Just gave up one of these.

I even have Facebook friends who are really not even on Facebook....they have no photo, just that creepy outline of a head. Do I wait? Do I run? Do I sit and look at the creepy head?

Like I said, I think all this is okay...legitimate friendships since Facebook as redefined "friend." And I will never ask my Facebook friends if they want to stay my friend or not, otherwise I will delete them. That is up to me...and if it's up to them, I assume they'll leave...or have left...anyway. Are you still there? Hey...wanna be friends?

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